Sedex验厂Chuangsheng Csr
信息来源:验厂之家 浏览次数:2040次
1 企业的营业执照
Business License of Factory
2 企业简介及规章制度
Factory introduction and regulation
3 企业组织架构图
Organisational chart
4 工厂平面示意图
Factory Building Layout
5 健康安全组织结构图
EHS Organisational chart
6 工厂机器设备清单
List of machine/equipments
7 消防紧急散图
Emergency Evacuation Plan
8 全厂员工花名册
Employee roster
9 员工人事档案
Employee Personnel Records
10 员工劳动合同
Labor Contract
11 未成年工用工审请
Young Workers’ Application
12 未成年工体检记录
Young Workers’ Health Examination and Registration Records
13 最近一年的工资表
Payroll Records (Last 12 months)
14 最近一年的考勤记录
Attendace Records (12 months)
15 最近一年离职员工资料
Dimission records of employee (12 months)
16 员工岗前培训记录(三级安全教育)
Induction training records (EHS)
17 车间,宿舍散演习(每半年一次)
Workshop/dormitory fire drill (6 month once ) Evacuation
18 灭火实践演习(每半年一次)
Fire drill (6 month once) Fire extinguisher
19 防护用品使用培训记录
PPE Training records
20 延长加班或综合工时的批文
Official Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval or Waiver for Overtime Extension
21 当地最低工资标准的公文
Local Minimum Wage Standard
22 建设项目竣工环境验收报告
Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects
23 消防验收意见书或消防合格证明
Construction Project Fire Safety Acceptance Document or Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
24 环境评估影响报告
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report
25 空气、噪音监测报告
Air and noise monitor report
26 排污许可证
Pollution certification / warrant
27 污水监测报告
Sullage monitor report
28 饮用水检测报告
Drinking water monitor report
29 锅炉使用许可证
Boiler certificate
30 锅炉使用年检报告
Boiler annual testing report
31 锅炉工上岗证
Boiler Operator Certificate
32 电梯使用许可证
Lift certificate
33 电梯使用年检报告
Lift annual testing report
34 电工证
Electrician Certificate
35 急救员培训记录及证书
first-aider training records and Certificate
36 食堂的卫生许可证
Kitchen’s Hygiene Certificate
37 食堂厨工的健康证
Cooks’ Health Certificate
38 社保缴费发票(最近12个月)
Social insurance payment invoices
39 社保豁免证明
Certificates of exemption about Social insurance
40 参加社保人员名单
list of participate in social insurance
41 化学品的MSDS(物质安全数据表)
Chemiacals MSDS
42 消防设备检查记录(最近12个月)
Fire-fighting equipment inspection records
43 历次客户或第二方的审核资料
Customer or 2rd party audit report
44 原辅料进出记录(最近12个月)
Raw materials checking records
45 各工序生产日报表(最近12个月)
Production records
46 上下工序产品交换记(最近12个月)
Processes flowing records
47 断针/换针记录(最近12个月)
Broken needle records
48 检针记录(最近12个月)
Needle dectection records
49 包装出货记录(最近12个月)
Package/devilery records
地址:广东省东莞市南城区鸿禧中心A区608室 电话: 0769-22324329/22362295 粤ICP备11014164号