沃尔玛验厂Chuangsheng Csr


信息来源:验厂之家    浏览次数:1780次


1.     No locked doors. Doors shouldhave push bar operation for easy exit in case of emergency


1.1    "工厂是哪些出口设置为紧急出口?(如消防逃生图上有标示,可作为依据提供)

    Which exits are set as emergency exits? (Fire escape map can be providedas evidence if emergency exits are marked in it)"

1.2    "车间是否每层楼都有设定一个紧急出口?

   Isthere an emergency exit  designated foreach fire compartment especially for each floor?"

1.3    "门外面是否有开放的平台?

   Isthere a platform outside of the door?"

1.4    "紧急逃生门是否都安装了门推手?

  Isevery emergency door installed with push bar?"

1.5    "门的宽度是否符合标准的要求?

 Does the door width meet standards?"

1.6    " 紧急逃生门是否是向外开/沿着逃生方向?

 Whether the doors of emergency exit open outward/inthe direction of travel?"

1.7    "通向封闭防火楼梯间的紧急逃生门是否保持关闭,以防止烟气进入保障员工安全撤离?

 Whether the doors to exit staircases and fire escapes are kept closed toprevent smoke from filling the stairwell which could prevent workers from safe exiting the building?"

2.     Barred windows must have aninternal mechanism for emergency release or removal to allow for worker escapeand must remain unlocked

        有栏杆的窗户必须有内部装置以便紧急情况下可以打开或卸下栏杆以便工人逃生,且应保持不上锁状态 。

2.1    " 工厂生产区/宿舍/食堂二楼以上生产区哪些地方的窗户设有栏杆?

  Arethere any barred windows on 2nd and above floors in productionarea/dormitory/canteen? "

2.2    " 如有栏杆的窗户,是否设有内部打开装置?

  Ifyes, is internal removable mechanism provided?"

2.3    "员工是否可以轻松开启内部打开装置?

    Can the employees open the internal removable mechanism easily?"

2.4    "工厂宿舍是否有开放的空间供逃生?

    Is there an open corridor that dormitory rooms have doors face to?"

3.     All floors and buildings,including dormitories, must have a secondary exit, and preferably an externalfire escape route

        所有楼层和建筑物,包括宿舍,必须具有第二出口,且最好是火灾逃生路线 。

3.1    "工厂的楼层和建筑物有几个出口?

    How many exits are there in each floor?"

3.2    "是否存在只有一个出口的楼层?在哪里?

  Isthere a floor with only one exit? Where is it?"

3.3    "是否有一些走道/门/楼梯的宽度低于标准的要求?

  Isthere any corridor/ door/ stair case width below standards?"

3.4    "工厂是否有采用非常规路线作为第二出口? 如室外楼梯?

 Does the factory apply unconventional escape route as a secondary exit?Such as  external fire escaperoute."

3.5    "第一和第二出口是否设置在建筑物的两端,并且是通过独立的通道到达?

 Whether first and secondary exits are located on the opposite ends ofthe building and can be reached by independent exit pathways?"

4.     Fire escape routes must leadto safe assembly points without any obstructions. Assembly points must bedesignated and marked as such and must be kept clear at all times.


4.1   "工厂的集合地点设置在哪里?

 Where are the assembly points?"

4.2    "集合地点的面积是多大,需要容纳多少人?

  How big are the assembly points? How many persons they canaccommodate?"

4.3    "集合地点是否有明确表示?

 Whether the safe assembly point is designated and marked?"

4.4    "集合地点是否被阻塞?

 Whether the safe assembly point is blocked?"

4.5    "消防逃生路线是否通向集合地点?

     Whether the fire escape route leads to safe assembly point? "

5.     Proper access for firedepartment vehicles and other fire-fighting equipment in the factory premises.


5.1    "工厂是否为消防车和消防器械进出工厂设置通路?

 Whether proper access is maintained for fire department vehicles andother fire-fighting equipment in the factory premises?"

5.2    "通路的宽度为多少?

  What's the width is the access?"

6.     Adequate water supply forsprinkler and fire hydrant systems.


6.1    "工厂的消防用水供给来自哪里?城市给水管网、天然水源还是消防水池?

 Where does water resource come from? Municipal water supply network,natural water or fire pool?"

6.2    "工厂是否有安装室内消防栓?

 Whether indoor fire hydrants are installed?"

6.3    "工厂是否有安装室外消防栓?

    Whether outdoor fire hydrants are installed ?"

6.4    "工厂是否安装喷淋系统?

    Whether sprinkler systems are installed ?"

6.5    "对于没有安装自动喷淋系统的建筑,楼层中任一点到出口的距离是否少于61米(200英尺)?

  Inbuilding without automatic sprinkler systems, whether the travel distance to anexit on any exit on any floor is shorter than 61 meters(200 feet)?"

7.     Audible, visible and operablesmoke alarms placed appropriately throughout the building with at least theminimum number required by law


7.1   "工厂是否安装烟雾报警器?

  Whether smoke alarms are installed?"

7.2    "烟雾报警器装在哪些位置?

 Where are the smoke alarms?"

7.3    "烟雾报警器的安装数量是多少?平均多少平米安装1个烟雾报警器?

  Howmany smoke alarms are installed? How many square meters one smoke alarm coversaveragely?"

8.     Audible and operable firealarms that can be heard in all parts of the building, that operate as onesystem amongst all floors and areas of the building.


8.1    "工厂是否采用火灾报警器?

    Whether fire alarms are adopted?"

8.2    "火灾报警器是否作为一个系统进行操作,或使得建筑物的所有楼层所有区域范围内都能听到警报?

    Whether fire alarms operate as one system amongst all floors and areasof the building, or can be heard in all parts of the building."

8.3    "工厂是否有定期点检火灾报警器的运行状况?多久点检一次?

   Whether regular inspection is conducted to check the function of firealarms? What's frequency?"

9.     Marked and lighted exitroutes for all floors and areas of the building, including stairwells.Emergency lights to be fire grade ‘industrial emergency lights’ for use in smoke and fire environments.


9.1    "工厂的所有楼层及建筑物任何位置是否都安装了明确的消防标志和闪亮的出口路线?

 Whether exit routes are marked and lighted including all floors andareas of the building?"

9.2    "工厂是否有制定张贴符合要求的疏散图,如使用当地语言的,及时更新,所在位置等?

  Isthere adequate evacuation plan, posted, up to date, included ""Youare here mark"", etc."

9.3    "逃生路线是否全被阻塞?

 Whether fire escape route is blocked or partially blocked?"

9.4    "安全出口门是否是向外开/沿着逃生方向?

 Whether the doors of safety exit open outward/in the directionof travel?"

9.5    "工厂是否有安装充足的消防器材?并且有良好的维护?

 Whether there is sufficient firefighting equipment? And well maintained?"

9.6    "是否有定期点检应急灯等消防器材的运行状态?多久点检一次?

 Whether regular inspection is conducted to check the function offirefighting equipment? What's frequency?"

10.    Quarterly joint fire drillsincluding all floors of the building to be overseen by an external party, suchas the fire authority, for timely and effective personnel evacuation.Documentation of these drills must be retained by the facility for reviewduring any visit to the facility.


10.1   "工厂每年做几次消防演习?

  Howmany joint fire drills are conducted once a year?"

10.2   "工厂本年度的消防演习进行了几次?后续的消防演习是否有列入年度计划?

    How many joint fire drills have been done? Whether the subsequent firedrills are included in the annual plan?"

10.3   "消防演习是否有涵盖所有楼层(包含宿舍/食堂)及各个班次的员工?

 Whether joint fire drills cover all floor of the building (includingdormitory/canteen) and all the employees in each shifts?"

10.4   "消防演习是否有外部第三方(如消防部门/消防部门或当地政府授权的单位或个人)参加?是哪些第三方?是否有相关证明文件体现该人员的资质?参加了几次?

 Whether external parties oversaw joint fire drills? What are they? Anyevidence of their qualification? How many drills were overseen by them?"

10.5   "工厂是否保留消防演习的相关资料?

 Whether the relevant records of joint fire drills were well kept?"

11.    Fire safety trainingconducted for all personnel every 6 months


11.1   "工厂是否有对全体人员进行消防安全培训?

    Whether fire safety training is conducted for all personnel?"

11.2   "工厂每年度做多少次消防安全培训?

  Howmany times of fire safety training are conducted annually?"

11.3   "讲师是否有相应资质?

 Whether the trainer is qualified for fire safety?"

11.4   "是否有保存培训记录?

 Whether the training records were well kept?"

12.    Personnel on-boarding processshould include fire safety training upon hiring


12.1   "工厂的人员入职培训是否包括消防培训?

    Whether fire safety is included in personnel on-boarding processtraining upon hiring?"

12.2   "是否有保留入职培训记录?

    Whether the training records were well kept?"

13.    Trained firefighters for eachfloor of the facility


13.1   "工厂每一层(含生产区/宿舍/食堂)是否有设一名受过训练的消防员?

   Is there a trained firefighters for each floor of the facility(including production area/dormitory/canteen)?"

13.2   "工厂消防员的培训是否由有资质的培训人员提供?

 Whether the trained firefighters have received training from qualifiedtrainers?"

13.3   "工厂每个工作班次是否有受过训练的人员检查每栋建筑以确保符合消防标准?

  Isthere trained personnel on each work shift to inspect fire safety criteria aremet in every building?"

14.    Valid fire license whererequired by law


14.1   "工厂是否持有消防合格证明文件?

 Whether facility can provide valid fire license where required bylaw?"

14.2   "如果工厂没有消防许可证,是否有年度消防检测报告证明消防的符合性?

 Does the factory have annual monitoring report with good compliance ifno fire license?"

14.3   "如果工厂有任何建筑结构变更,是否重新取得了消防审批?

 Whether the factory receive re-approval from local fire authority f thefactory has any structure change?"

15.     Valid construction approval where required by law


15.1   "工厂是否持有建筑合格证明文件?

 Whether facility can provide valid construction approval where requiredby law ?"

16.    Hazardous/flammable chemicalsmust be kept away from ignition sources


16.1   "工厂有建立危险化学品及易燃物清单?

    Whether hazardous/flammable chemicals list was established?"

16.2   "是否有专门的地点用于储存危险化学品或易燃物?位于哪里?

    Is there a specified place for storing the hazardous/flammablechemicals? Where is it?"

16.3   "有哪些安全防护/环保措施管理这些危险化学品及易燃物?

    Is there any safety protection/environmental protection procedure tomanage the hazardous/flammable chemicals?"

16.4   "工厂是否有设置吸烟区?位于哪里?

    Does facility has designated area for smoking? Where is it? "

16.5   "工厂是否存在危险的布线或维护不良的电路盒(不当封闭的电箱)?

    Is there any hazardous wiring/ poor circuit box condition(inappropriately enclosed electrical boxes)?"

16.6   "电箱是否有标示符合标准的警示标识?

    Whether the electrical boxes are marked with warning sign that meets standards?"

17.    Crèche/childcare facilities must be on the groundfloor of the building, preferably located in a separate non-industrial facility


17.1   "工厂是否设置育婴所或托儿所?

  Are there crèche/childcare facilities in thefactory?"

17.2   "育婴所或托儿所设置在哪里?

 Where are the crèche/childcarefacilities?"



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