FSC森林认证Chuangsheng Csr
信息来源:验厂之家 浏览次数:2614次
FSC Chain of Custody Certification Audit Plan COC Audit Schedule for
Morning (9:00am-12:00pm) :
1. Opening meeting with the legal representative of the company/首次会议
3.Onsite inspection to the processing stage (walk through the plant)现场巡视
3. Documentation review ; 文件审核
4. Record review ; 记录审核
5. Critical Point personnel interview. 关键控制点访谈
6. Production Processing phases from beginning to the end 来料到成品的过程控制
7. Raw material Management原材料管理
8. Finished Products Storage ;成品管理
9. Raw material purchase and Supplier Management 原材料及供方管理
10. Sales document review ; 销售文件验证
11.FSC Product Group list Review FSC产品组清单验证
12. Complaints management Review 客户投诉管理
13. Outsourcing process review,外包过程的验证(如有)
Afternoon (12:30pm-17:30pm) :
1. Production Process Review 生产过程验证
2. Conversion Factor Review 转换因素验证
3. Control system process Review 控制体系过程验证
4. Critical Point personnel interview. 关键控制点访谈
5. FSC Value Review, FSC价值自我声明验证
6. FSC Non-conforming product management ; FSC 不合格品控制要求
7. Occupational Health and Safety 职业健康和安全要求验证
8. Verification of FSC activity comply with all applicable trade and custom laws;FSC活动符合相关的法律法规要求
9. Output Storage; 成品输出管理
10. Shipping;运输
11..Accounting 统计/财务
12. FSC Trademark Review; FSC商标验证
13. Training Review 培训管理验证
14. Collection of the inspection evidences ; 证据收集
15. Discuss any areas of non-compliance and indicate where the company will be issued NCRs; 现场审核不符合项的确认
16. Closing meeting and sign the audit confirmation with representative of the company; 末次会议
17. End of the on-site audit.结束
地址:广东省东莞市南城区鸿禧中心A区608室 电话: 0769-22324329/22362295 粤ICP备11014164号